Lupincatstore - Santa Wearing Mask Quarantine 2020 T-Shirt

 Buy this shirt:  Lupincatstore - Santa Wearing Mask Quarantine 2020 T-Shirt

“Rita was an enormous help, and she really is a genius,” Stone continues. “Very few people have that kind of intense understanding of the Santa Wearing Mask Quarantine 2020 T-Shirt and by the same token and whole amalgam of everything—how it goes with the period, how it goes with the emotional sweep of the picture. Very few people see it as a whole, and not just a rack of clothing. When you walk on set and the costumes are correct, they not only define your character but they define the interplay of your character with the other characters and where you belong on the set. It all starts to make sense.”

Santa Wearing Mask Quarantine 2020 T-Shirt

The laborious attention to detail lavished on the Santa Wearing Mask Quarantine 2020 T-Shirt and by the same token and project from all parties involved still radiates from the screen 25 years later. Of one scene in particular, in which Stone swans through the casino in a nude, body-hugging dress dripping with gold embroidery and sequins, she remembers the accuracy of her costuming became—quite literally—exhausting. “That dress was so heavy, and those vintage sequins were made of metal, so they cut you,” Stone remembers. “It was miserable to wear, but also very exciting. Our cinematographer Bob Richardson would do these amazing long shots that would move through a room, then sweep down and around the chandelier, and then go out into the street with someone getting a cab, for example. You’d have to light your cigarette at the exact moment he passed, everything was so precise and had a hundred different elements to it. During these marvelous shots, you’re not going to complain about your freaking dress!”

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